Improving the quality of life for former athletes so they can fully appreciate life after sports!
Hundreds of professional athletes retire each year. Unfortunately, many of them spend retirement in physical and mental pain – the result of abusing their bodies for years on the playing field.
Since 2001, the Center for the Study of Retired Athletes (CSRA) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in collaboration with the NFL Players’ Association, has been investigating the spectrum of physical and mental challenges that former professional football players encounter. The Center has provided hundreds of former players with medical care through a variety of clinical research protocols during this time, and the interest is growing.
As a result, the CSRA partnered with UNC’s Departments of Neurology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation to create The Brain and Body Health Program. Recently, the NFL Player’s Association (NFLPA) has partnered with the Brain and Body Health Program to create The Trust. The purpose of this program is to provide former athletes with a comprehensive evaluation of their cognitive, mental, and physical functioning. The program is tailored specifically for the needs of former players at these unique stages of their post-football lives. Through participating in this program, we hope the quality of life for former athletes will be improved so they can fully appreciate life after sports. For more information on The Trust, please visit here.
For a referral to the Brain and Body Program, please contact the Trust at 866-725-0063 (phone) or info@playerstrust.com (email).