CSRA Faculty and Staff
Founding Director Kenan Distinguished Professor Center for the Study of Retired Athletes University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Associate Director of Operations Center for the Study of Retired Athletes University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office: 919-962-2017 Email: cgoerger@email.unc.edu Assistant Director of Research Operations University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office: 919-962-5744 Email: caprice_hunt@med.unc.edu Teaching Associate Professor Department of Exercise and Sport Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 3rd year PhD Student Center for the Study of Retired Athletes University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Email: lbeisecker@unc.edu
Kevin M. Guskiewicz, PhD, ATC, FACSM, FNATA
Matthew Gfeller CenterCandice Goerger, MS
Caprice H. Roberts, MPH, CHES
JD Defreese, PhD